Delivery is available to your nearest airport with American Airlines or Alaska airlines facility. We book flight and give you all needed information to pick up kitten. You have to show your ID and number of AWB at the airline’s facility.
Shipping is available to all US destinations. Shipping charges vary depending upon location. Shipping costs include airfare, the kitten’s shipping crate (pet taxi), vet health certificate, and a kitten care packet. The packet includes a bag of the kitten food that he/she is accustomed to and kitten care information. Delivery is typically counter to counter service. kittens will travel in a pressurized compartment that’s temperature controlled.
We use delivery services to bring kittens directly to your home. This type of delivery works for nearby States only. Price depends on delivery location.
A: Shipping a Kitten by itself to a new location always sounds cruel and embarrassing, but actually it is not especially with based American airlines. With my many years of shipping experience, I know for a fact that all of the kittens are well taken care of. So if you stop and think about it, the airlines are not going to mistreat the kitten(s) for fear of lawsuit and customer dissatisfaction.
I tape kitten(s) food and feeding instructions to the top of the crate and put frozen water in the crate, so it will gradually thaw out for the kitten(s) and the kittens are offered food along the ride. The average flight is approximately 3 to 5 hours. I always ask about any delays or layovers and know the exact times and departures of the flights, so I know where the kitten is and am able to give you the information as well. The kitten will arrive the same day as it is sent usually a few hours. I have a big fluffy bed of shredded newspapers in the crate for the kitten(s) to nestle in and usually a pig’s ear chew (they love them), and a toy or sock with my scent on it to help the kitten feel secure. Message Us if you have more questions.